Maximizing Your Investment in Real Estate Development with Legal Expertise
by Best Lawyers
Best Lawyers evaluates the various types of real estate development projects and why hiring legal expertise could maximize the outcome of your investment.
Carrying the Torch While Raising the Bar
by Sharen L. Nocella
Catherine Pyune McEldowney makes waves as one of the few Asian-American women at the pinnacle of a U.S. law firm.
Are Teenage Drivers More Likely to be in a Car Accident?
by Jason Stephens
Teenagers are more likely to be in car accidents due to driving inexperience. But what are the other factors, and what can be done to help?
Uninsured Flying Objects
by Claire O'Rourke, Laura Beth Cohen, and Marialuisa S. Gallozzi
As drones and other “unmanned aerial vehicles” increasingly crowd the skies, the law—and insurance policies—will have to figure out how best to bring them back safely to terra firma.
How to Handle a PR Crisis
by Mike Androvett & Mark Annick
Planning your strategy in advance, and having a team ready to handle a disaster, can help you tackle a problem before it starts.
The Lawyer’s Role in a Company Crisis
by Mike Androvett, Mark Annick, & Mary Flood
During a company crisis, you need to be forthcoming. But you also need to tailor your message to a range of different stakeholders.