Find Lawyers in Chile for Intellectual Property Law

Practice Area Overview

The Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile protects the freedom to create and disseminate the arts as well as the author's right to intellectual and artistic creations of any kind and also guarantees industrial property over patents, trademarks, models, technological processes, or other similar creations, for the time established by law.

Chile is a party to numerous multilateral and bilateral international intellectual property treaties, and some of their provisions have been fully or partially incorporated into domestic law, such as TRIPS (The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) and the Paris Convention.

Copyright is protected and regulated by Law No. 17,336 of Intellectual Property and other complementary laws. Law No. 17,336 contains rules on rights and protected works, subjects of protection, duration of protection, moral rights and property rights, their exercise and limitations, as well as regulates some contracts such as representation and editing. The law establishes rules on the Registry of Intellectual Property. It also describes crimes against intellectual property, civil, and criminal actions to enforce such actions. It also regulates collective management entities of copyright and related rights.

Industrial Property (trademarks, patents, appellations of origin and geographical indications, business secrets) is regulated by Law No. 19,039 which contains the rules on the examination and registration of Industrial Property rights. The National Institute of Industrial Property (INAPI) is the authority responsible for the registration of these rights and also acts as judge of first instance in the procedures of opposition and nullity of these rights.

In addition to the Paris Convention, Chile also has adhered to the Trademark Law Treaty (TLT) and the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), among others. It should be noted that the INAPI has been designated ISA/IPEA, namely international search and preliminary examination authority.

In terms of designations of origin and geographical indications, there are also rules of domestic law that regulate some local denominations (e.g. Chilean Pisco, Wine Zoning).

In plant varieties, Chile adheres to UPOV 78. Law No. 19,342 regulates the rights of breeders of new plant varieties.

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