Client & Professional Reference Survey

{{ Survey.ContactInformation.ClientFullName }}
You have been submitted by firms in more than one country. You may change between countries to see all requested feedback.
As a reminder, you can return to this survey any time to make edits until {{ Survey.FormattedSurveyCloseDate }}.
Please note that this survey is best completed on a desktop or laptop computer rather than a mobile device.

Your name has been submitted by {{ Survey.Ballots[0].FirmName }} as a professional reference for their work in {{ Survey.Ballots[0].SpecName }}. Hearing directly from those impacted by the firm's work is essential to our research process. Reference evaluations and other analyses will determine the {{ Survey.EditionYears }} {{ Survey.PublicationListName }} rankings. Learn more about our research process onlineresearch process onlineresearch process online.

Your name has been submitted by {{ Survey.Ballots[0].FirmName }} as a professional reference for their work in the indicated areas of law. Hearing directly from those impacted by the firm's work is essential to our research process. Reference evaluations and other analyses will determine the {{ Survey.EditionYears }} {{ Survey.PublicationListName }} rankings. Learn more about our research process onlineresearch process onlineresearch process online.

Your name has been submitted by the following firms as a professional reference for their work in the indicated areas of law. Hearing directly from those impacted by the firm's work is essential to our research process. Reference evaluations and other analyses will determine the {{ Survey.EditionYears }} {{ Survey.PublicationListName }} rankings. Learn more about our research process onlineresearch process onlineresearch process online.

  • {{ ballot.FirmName }}:{{ ballot.SpecName }}

If you have any questions or concerns while completing this survey, don't hesitate to contact us at As always, your name and feedback will remain entirely confidential.

Additional Firm Feedback
If you would like to leave additional feedback for any firms eligible for {{ Survey.PublicationListName }} rankings, please start by searching below:

Would you like to provide any additional feedback for us regarding Best Lawyers and Best Law Firms awards?

{{ Survey.Comment.Comment.length }} / 5000

Contact Information

Your contact information will not be shared with anyone outside of Best Lawyers.

Please enter your first name, last name and email address.

Thank you for your participation in this survey for the upcoming {{ Survey.EditionYears }} Best Law Firms rankings.
If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact us at
Reminder: Surveys are due by {{ Survey.FormattedSurveyCloseDate }}. You may return to edit or amend your responses any time before this date.

Lawyer feedback

To add feedback about a specific lawyer, please start by searching for the firm with which they are associated.
*Please note: only firms and lawyers in our system will appear in the search below. If you would like to leave feedback about lawyers not available here, please contact us at

Feedback on Individual Lawyers

{{ comment.LawyerName }}
{{ comment.Comment.length }} / 2000

The survey is no longer active.

If you have any questions concerning "Best Law Firms" or need any assistance with your survey, please contact "Best Law Firms" Research Manager Valerie Smith at or 803-644-1690.