Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for your interest in finding out more about Best Lawyers. Below are the most commonly asked questions that we receive.
How does a lawyer become recognized by Best Lawyers?
The first step is for a lawyer to be nominated. For the full research process, please visit our Methodology page.
When was the first edition of Best Lawyers published?
The first edition of The Best Lawyers in America® was published in 1983 and has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence.
Who founded Best Lawyers?
Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith founded Best Lawyers in 1981.
What regions have Best Lawyers publications?
Best Lawyers publishes top legal talent in more than 74 countries around the world.
How many editions of Best Lawyers have been published?
For more than four decades, Best Lawyers has continuously recognized top legal talent. The 31st edition of The Best Lawyers in America® was announced on August 15, 2024. Additional country publications began in 2007 and research schedules vary based on country.
How can I nominate lawyers for consideration in Best Lawyers?
Nominations can be submitted through our public website or by contacting
Who should be nominated for Best Lawyers?
We recommend that nominees for Best Lawyers have been in practice for at least 10 years to give them time to build a legal presence in their community and practice areas. Nominees for Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch should have been in practice for 3 to 9 years (depending on jurisdiction). Candidates must also be in private practice. Best Lawyers does not accept nominations for in-house lawyers at this time.
Is there a limit to the number of lawyers I can nominate?
There is no limit.
Is there a limit to the number of practice areas a lawyer can be nominated for?
No. However, we highly recommend only nominating candidates in their areas of expertise.
Do lawyers already recognized by Best Lawyers have to be re-nominated each year?
No. Lawyers who are currently recognized by Best Lawyers are automatically nominated for the following edition.
If a nominee is not selected for recognition this year do they have to be re-nominated next year?
We automatically keep all nominees on the ballots for three editions. If a lawyer is not recognized after three editions, their nomination will be archived, and they will need to be re-nominated for future consideration.
When should I re-nominate a candidate if the nomination was archived?
You are welcome to resubmit the nomination once a candidate is archived.
Who has been nominated from my firm?
Please log in to your account to view your firm reports or contact us for assistance.
Can a lawyer be a nominee for recognition as both a Best Lawyers and “Ones to Watch” honoree?
No. A lawyer can only be a candidate for one award type at a given time.
Who is allowed to vote?
Lawyers recognized in the current edition of Best Lawyers are eligible to vote for the upcoming edition.
Can lawyers vote on themselves?
No, lawyers are not allowed to vote on themselves. Thus, a voter's name will not appear on their own ballot.
Can lawyers vote on lawyers from their own firm?
Yes. If there is a candidate from the voter’s firm who is nominated in the same practice area that the voter is recognized for in Best Lawyers, they will have the opportunity to vote on internal candidates. (Example: if you are recognized for your work in Family Law and others from your firm are nominated in Family Law, you will be able to give feedback on their work.)
What does the Best Lawyers ballot ask voting lawyers?
All voters are asked the same thing: "If you were unable to take a case yourself, how likely would you be to refer it to this lawyer?" Our voting scale is a numbered scale as follows:

Voters also are able to add a ‘.5’ to their votes to make them more specific, if they choose to do so, and can use the notation "Don’t Know" for lawyers whose work they are unfamiliar with. Our ballots also allow for voters to leave additional comments on nominees.
Can voting lawyers add names to their ballots?
No. Ballots are custom built based on the voter’s regional location and practice areas. Voting lawyers are not able to add names of lawyers to their ballots.
When are ballots sent?
Balloting periods vary by country. For further details, please see the research timeline for your country.
How does a lawyer become eligible for Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch?
Like traditional Best Lawyers rankings, the first step in the methodology is for a lawyer to be nominated.
Who can nominate a lawyer for Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch?
Anyone can nominate a lawyer (clients, peers, marketing teams, etc.) just like nominations for Best Lawyers awards.
Will the research still be peer review?
Yes. We maintain our benchmark peer-review process for this award.
Who are the voters for Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch?
Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch uses a Purely Peer Review® voting process. Voting is currently open to all candidates in their practice area and location.
Can lawyers vote on themselves?
No, lawyers are not allowed to vote on themselves.
Can lawyers vote on lawyers from their own firm?
Yes, just like the traditional Best Lawyers voting process, voters can provide feedback on candidates at their own firm if they are nominated in the same practice areas.
How are lawyers notified of their inclusion in Best Lawyers?
Lawyers highlighted for their top legal talent will be contacted via email and in select markets, also with a mailed inclusion letter. If we have a designated contact for a law firm, those contacts will first receive a complete list of the lawyers from their firm who will be recognized in the upcoming edition.
When are lawyers notified of their inclusion?
Release dates vary by country. Please check your country's research timeline.
Who from my firm will be recognized?
If you are a firm representative in our system, you will receive an automatic email notification from us detailing this information. You also can find this information by logging in to your account. If you are not already in our system, please contact us and we will send you this report.
Why are new editions embargoed?
New editions are under embargo to allow lawyers and firms time to review before the public announcement. Visit your country's research timeline to learn when the embargo period occurs for your region.
What does "Lawyer of the Year" mean?
"Lawyer of the Year" awards are presented annually to a single outstanding lawyer in each practice area and designated metropolitan area.
What does "Top-Listed" mean?
The "Top-Listed" award is given to the firm that has the most recognized lawyers in a particular location and practice area. This award is based exclusively on number of recognized lawyers and is in no way related to the "Best Law Firms" rankings. You can find this information by logging in to your account.
What does "Law Firm of the Year" mean?
"Law Firm of the Year" awards recognize a single top firm for its work in a specific legal practice area (nationwide). Awards are determined based on a handful of factors including: lawyer feedback, the size and breadth of the firm, historical analysis of the firm's "Lawyer of the Year" awards and the firm's overall scope and areas of expertise. To date, Best Lawyers has produced "Law Firm of the Year" awards in 17 global markets.
Is the new edition embargoed?
Yes, results are released to firms first and then the public shortly after.
What are the publicizing guidelines associated with Best Lawyers?
Best Lawyers has strict publicizing guidelines to adhere to bar association standards. Our full Publicizing Guidelines are available online.
Can I use the Best Lawyers logo in marketing materials?
High-resolution, customized lawyer and firm logos are available for purchase. These logos may be used in print materials and online.
Where do lawyers highlighted in Best Lawyers appear?
Our annual publications appear online at, in regional magazines distributed to targeted areas and in various third-party publications around the globe. Additionally, all lawyers recognized in 2021 and earlier Best Lawyers lists appeared in The Best Lawyers in America© books.
What marketing opportunities are available to firms with highlighted lawyers?
Best Lawyers offers a full suite of marketing opportunities designed to amplify awarded lawyers, including custom publications, online profiles and more. For details, please contact
What commemorative products does Best Lawyers offer highlighted lawyers?
Best Lawyers offers plaques, crystals, logos, badges and more to help awarded lawyers promote their recognitions. Please see our full product line available online or contact
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Google Mail
Step 1: Creating the signature
- Click on the cog in the upper right-hand corner and select "See all settings".
- Under the "General" tab, scroll down to the signature option and select the "+Create New" button.
- Add an identifying name for the new signature.
Step 2: Inserting the image
- Click on the "Insert Image" icon.
- After clicking on "Insert Image", select "Web Address (URL)" and enter the "src" value from the customized code and click "Select." Note: the "src" value is the code you received for the logo from Best Lawyers.
- Example:
src='****/us/s/basic.png '
- Example:
Step 3: Inserting hyperlink
- After inserting the image, highlight the image and click on the "Link" icon. Then click on "Change."
- In the "Edit Link" window, make sure the "Web Address" radio button is selected. Replace the "To what URL should this link go?" text with the "href" value from the custom code.
- Example:
href='*****/** '
href='***** '
- Example:
Step 4: Saving and applying
- After clicking "OK" in the "Edit Link" window, scroll to the bottom of Gmail settings and click "Save Changes." This will save the newly created signature and apply it immediately.