Ronald Fatoullah
Elder Law Litigation - Trusts and Estates Trusts and Estates
In New York, Ronald Fatoullah has earned a distinguished reputation as a leader, with his firm serving as an authority on elder law, estate planning, Medicaid eligibility, estate litigation, tax matters, special needs planning, probate matters, and guardianships. Ronald Fatoullah & Associates has a dedicated team of attorneys who are knowledgeable, thorough, and creative. Almost every aspect of the firm’s practice, from elder law to trusts & estates, is interrelated with financial management. To that end, and after reviewing thousands of his clients’ portfolios and seeing the mismanagement of their assets, Fatoullah, determined to find a better way to help, started J. R. Wealth Advisors, LLC, a wealth management and financial services company with his son. Fatoullah currently co-chairs the board of the Long Island Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association and serves on the Executive Council of AARP New York.