Navas & Cusi Abogados

Barcelona, Spain

1 The Best Lawyers in Spain award

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Navas & Cusi, with offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Brussels, Shanghai and Miami is amultidisciplinary law firm, specialized in international law, Banking law, Financial law, Corporatelaw and European law. Through the office in Brussels our fingers are on the pulse of what ishappening in European law – this sets us apart from many Spanish law firms in the field of EU andcompetition law and is inter alia our USP. Navas & Cusi`s Brussels office offers up a broad array ofservices to assist the Firm’s national and global clients in negotiating the EU’s complex legalenvironment, as well as national-level regimes in Belgium, across Europe, and worldwide.Our core capabilities in Brussels include antitrust, corporate, litigation and arbitration, andinternational trade and regulatory work:

International Business Law:

- Drafting and negotiation of international commercial contracts.

- European customs law relating to the import and export of goods.

- Relations with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

- International disputes, arbitration and mediation.

- Trade finance.

- Due Diligence, import/export facilitation and negotiation, including market/online B2B exchanges.

- Joint Ventures, business partner profiling, matching and structuring.

- Cross-border debt/equity transactions- World Trade Organisation (WTO), Multilateral and Bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).


Competition and antitrust laws are constantly evolving – increasing in complexity (both atnational and supranational levels). Our team is at the forefront of these developments, and ideallyplaced to navigate the legal challenges that arise in this constantly evolving area. Our in-depthknowledge of regulators, courts, policymakers and their workings from former secondees, officialsand judges means we are well-equipped to deliver clear, pragmatic and bespoke advice to ourclients, helping them to achieve their strategic objectives.

We advise many of the world’s blue-chip organisations in awide range of industries across the full spectrum of competition and regulation issues.

Our antitrust and competition lawyers have that experience across a wide range of industries,such as energy, financial services, health care and life sciences, heavy manufacturing, engineering,food, fashion, technology, e-commerce, transport, tourism, and media.

- Providing transaction support, even advising on obtaining merger clearance in all jurisdictions.

- Advising on the design and implementation of effective distribution strategies that arecompliant with antitrust, competition, dealer protection laws and consumer law.

- Advising in the context of investigations or “dawn raids,” handling on-site inspections· providing representation before national antitrust and competition authorities in the UnitedStates, and before the EU institutions, and local regulators in the UK, France, and Germany,among others.

- Advising on civil and criminal liability for breach of antitrust and competition law, in particularwith regard to cartels and abuse of dominance.

- Advising on fines, leniency applications and other negotiated procedures.

- filing complaints before antitrust and competition authorities, at national and EU levels,requesting interim measures.

Private international law:

- Expertise in all aspects of choice of law, including the rules on choice of law in contracts in the Rome I Regulation and in the Rome II Regulation on choice of law in non-contractual obligations.

- Application of Regulation (EU) No 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility.

- International division of joint property and administration of assets- Enforcement of judgments- Divorces, international custody and inheritance.

- Child abduction under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

International Tax Law:

- Α application of Bilateral Double Taxation Agreements, Tax Credit Systems, structuring of companies operating between Spain and other European countries or third countries to avoid paying double taxation.

- Incorporation of companies with international elements, for example, foreign partners not tax resident in Spain, dissolution, incorporation of permanent establishment.

- Dealing with Spanish tax authorities and extrajudicial processes for recognition of Tax Credit, or Double Taxation Agreement.

Management & Demographics
Management & Personnel
CEO and founder at Navas & Cusí Attorneys, specializing in European Union law and banking and financial law.

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  • Administrative Law
  • Banking and Finance Law
  • Civil Rights Law
  • Competition / Antitrust Law
  • European Union Law
  • Privacy & Data Protection Law
  • Tax Law

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  • Navas & Cusi Abogados and Juan Ignacio Navas Marqués were recognised as Best Lawyers in European Union Law 2020
  • Navas & Cusi Abogados and Juan Ignacio Navas Marqués have once again been recognised as Best Lawyers in European Union Law 2022

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