CEO & President |P Trademark and Patent Prosecution and Consulting, Trademark and Patent Litigation and Enforcement, Foreign Prosecution and Litigation, Copyrights, Domain Names, Franchising and Licensing, Declarations of Fame and Notoriety. Diego G. Rossi is the founder of Iberbrand® and the Firm's CEO and President. Diego’s background in this area of Law spans over twenty-five years, a time during which he has acquired firsthand knowledge and broad experience in all fields of Intellectual Property, from consultation to enforcement, including all possible scenarios and situations involving Intellectual Property. His vast experience allows him to lead and support our team of professionals with the highest service, quality, and professionalism standards that make Iberbrand® a unique and client-oriented firm. He is personally involved in most matters of every firm area and actively participates in cases overseeing their development and outcome. Through his years of experience as an Intellectual Property attorney, Diego has built solid and vital connections and a strong presence in Mexico and abroad. This gives the Firm an advantage in negotiations and communications, considering that longstanding personal relations are always valuable. Diego’s experience has also allowed him to build a solid international network of alliances, particularly in Latin America, allowing the firm's International Department to provide the same top-quality services in different jurisdictions. Diego has served as a member of different Committees in the Mexican and international Associations he is a part of and is currently a member of the board of admissions within ECTA. He has been ranked in Chambers, Legal 500, and more.
Contact & Links
- E-mail:
- Lawyer Page:
- Montes Urales 750-402
Lomas de Chapultepec
Mexico City 11000
- American Intellectual Propertyz Association (AIPLA) - Member
- Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriétè Intellectuelle (AIPPI) - Member
- European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA) - Member of the Board of Admissions
- International Trademark Association (INTA) - Member
Mexico City, Mexico
5 The Best Lawyers in Mexico™ awards
Recognized in The Best Lawyers in Mexico™ 2025 for work in:
- Intellectual Property Law
- Intellectual Property
- rademark and Patent Prosecution and Consulting
- Trademark and Patent Litigation and Enforcement
- Foreign prosecution and Litigation
- Copyrights and Domain Names
- Franchising and Licensing
- Declarations of Fame and Notoriety
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