
The best legal talent in the world, case closed.
joseph l joe raad
Result Categories

16 Results
Spinning circle Big letter B

Singapore, SG

1 Best Lawyers award

Morrison Foerster logo

London, GB

3 Best Lawyers awards

Morrison Foerster logo

Tokyo, JP

24 Best Lawyers awards

Morrison Foerster logo

San Francisco, CA

81 Best Lawyers awards

"Best Law Firms" badge
Morrison Foerster logo

Berlin, DE

15 Best Lawyers awards

"Best Law Firms" badge
Morrison Foerster logo

San Juan, PR

11 Best Lawyers awards

DLA Piper logo

Paris, FR

32 Best Lawyers awards

"Law Firm of the Year" badge
DLA Piper logo

London, GB

15 Best Lawyers awards

Greenberg Traurig logo

Warsaw, PL

14 Best Lawyers awards

Greenberg Traurig logo

Tokyo, JP

8 Best Lawyers awards

Greenberg Traurig logo

Amsterdam, NL

4 Best Lawyers awards

Greenberg Traurig logo

Dubai, AE

1 Best Lawyers award

Mexico City, MX

31 Best Lawyers awards

Greenberg Traurig logo

Munich, DE

36 Best Lawyers awards

"Best Law Firms" badge
Greenberg Traurig logo

New York, NY

595 Best Lawyers awards

"Best Law Firms" badge
Greenberg Traurig logo

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