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A Sra. Araujo ingressou no escritório como advogada em 2002, desenvolvendo toda sua carreira com foco em Direito Trabalhista. Lidera a defesa de causas Trabalhistas de grandes empresas nacionais e multinacionais – em especial, do setor de energia, infraestrutura, construção civil e companhias aéreas, além de empresas do setor têxtil, alimentício, papel e celulose – entre outras. Conduzindo abordagens estratégicas e preventivas...
Mr. Areno has worked on more than 40 offerings, including of Banco BTG Pactual, Azul, Ultrapar, Cosan, Tarpon, BR Malls, Iguatemi, MetLife and Banco do Brasil. In addition, he has been involved in several mergers and acquisitions, including representing Deutsche Bank AG as financial advisor to Enersis Américas S.A. (Chile) in the US$22 billion restructuring of certain companies controlled by Enel (recognized as a 2017 Global Finance Deal of the Year (Insolvency and Restructuring) by Th...
Specialist in International Tax and Trade with articles published in Brazil and abroad, Ayres Moreira is an Alumnus of the Training Program in Policy and Trade at the Brazilian Embassy in Washington and former Professor of International Tax Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas) and at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). Ayres Moreira is a frequent speaker in Seminars and Conferences in Brazil and abroad, a full member of the Tax Commission of the Brazil...
Zanon de Paula Barros is one of the founding partners of Leite, Tosto e Barros and his work is recognized by various publications. As an example of his participation in relevant cases, he took an active part, at the beginning of the privatization processes, in the telecommunications and electricity tenders. Advised a business group on the transfer of several cable television concessions. He also advised a client on the sale of a very large sugar and alcohol company
Mr Chaib has Tax lawyer with 13 years of professional experience, working in Tax Litigation, Administrative and Judicial (predominantly), as well as in Tax Consulting and Planning, in medium and large law firms. He is a partner at Leite, Tosto e Barros, representing large companies/industries in the Engineering, Food, Banking, Technology, Paper and other sectors. Continuous experience in obtaining CNDs (Debt Clearance Certificates) and monitoring clients' tax compliance in order to renew the ...
CAMILA DA MOTTA PACHECO ALVES DE ARAÚJO Partner Office: São Paulo Email: caraujo@araujopolicastro.com.br Dir. phone: (55) (11) 3049-5745 Areas of Practice Corporate, Infrastructure, Regulatory and Administrative Law, Energy, Intellectual Property and IT and International Trade. Languages Portuguese and English. Education Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) at Universidade de São Paulo Law School – USP (1987); Master of Comparative Jurisprudence (MCJ) from New York University S...
JOSÉ THEODORO ALVES DE ARAÚJO Partner Office: São Paulo E-mail: taraujo@araujopolicastro.com.br Dir. phone: (55) (11) 3049-5705 Areas of Practice Corporate, Banking and Capital Markets, Infrastructure, Regulatory and Administrative Law. Education • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from Universidade de São Paulo Law School – USP (1962); • Career improvement course on Financial System at Getulio Vargas Business School (1963); • Career improvement course ...
O Sr. Lopes tem 30 anos de experiência em lidar com disputas empresariais e é reconhecido por publicações especializadas nacionais e internacionais como um dos mais importantes advogados brasileiros. Atuou em casos complexos de arbitragem e contencioso judicial, moldando negócios nas áreas de infraestrutura, serviços financeiros, direito societário, reestruturação de dívidas e contratos comerciais. Segundo o The Legal...
Júlio de Oliveira has acted in many significant tax proceedings relating to direct and indirect taxes as well as taxes levied on the payroll, in addition to rendering consulting services to large domestic and international companies. He is part of several committees and associations made up of companies that seek to improve the Brazilian tax system. He holds a Master of Laws and a PhD in tax law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP). He is a p...
Partner at Wald, Antunes, Vita e Blattner Advogados (São Paulo, Brazil); LLB, Master in Laws and PhD at University of São Paulo Law School; LL.M. in International Business Regulation, Litigation and Arbitration at NYU School of Law (Arthur T. Vanderbilt Scholar); Vice-President of the Brazilian Bar’s Special Arbitration Commission; Director at the Mediation and Arbitration Center at the Brazil-Portugal Chamber of Commerce; CIArb Fellow; Author of several articles on arbitr...
Rubens Bezerra Filho has 25 years of experience and is a partner in the contracts and corporate area. Over the years, Rubens has worked in transactions involving natural and legal persons, both domestic and foreign, such as mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganizations, associations involving Brazilian and foreign entities, corporate structuring of real estate projects, foreign investments in Brazil, idealization, development and implementation of assets protection planning and successi...
Ms. Arduin has over 20 years of experience, her professional practice focuses on labour and employment, specializing in the defence of banking, civil construction and telephony clients against labour lawsuits filed by high executives. She has an undergraduate degree in Law from Mackenzie and a graduate degree from PUC-SP. She is well-known for her participation in a group that managed actions filed by HIV patients, thus leading to social action and legislation for that particular class. For m...
Marina Gaensly Blattner holds a graduate and master’s degree in public law from the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and a LL.M from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE). She was a consultant member of the National Commission for Constitutional Studies of the Federal Council of the OAB. She is also a member of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (IASP).
Mr. Areno has worked on more than 40 offerings, including of Banco BTG Pactual, Azul, Ultrapar, Cosan, Tarpon, BR Malls, Iguatemi, MetLife and Banco do Brasil. In addition, he has been involved in several mergers and acquisitions, including representing Deutsche Bank AG as financial advisor to Enersis Américas S.A. (Chile) in the US$22 billion restructuring of certain companies controlled by Enel (recognized as a 2017 Global Finance Deal of the Year (Insolvency and Restructuring) by Th...
Master and PhD in Criminal Procedure Law at Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Bachelor in Laws at Faculdade de Direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUCS-P); Professor for IBMEC Graduation Course; Member of CEAPRO – Centro de Estudos Avançados de Processo; Former President, Treasure Director and Secretary-General of the Brazilian Bar Association – Sub-section of Pinheiros in São Paulo/SP; Coordina...
Antonio Carlos Harada has broad experience in tax consulting, especially in tax, estate and succession planning, transnational transactions, corporate reorganizations, M&A, and corporate and social security legislation. He has extensive experience in tax and corporate structuring focused on the development of real estate transactions with shopping malls, real estate developments, real estate investment funds, “built to suit”, and securitization of receivables. He has acted in ...
BRUNO LANNA PEIXOTO Partner Office: São Paulo Email: bpeixoto@araujopolicastro.com.br Dir. phone: (55) (11) 3049-5789 Areas of Practice Antitrust and Competition Education • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Law School - UFMG (2001); • Master’s Degree in Economic Law from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG (2005); • Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of Chicago (2005). Research paper: “Horizontal Mergers and T...
Senior Partner at “A. Lopes Muniz Advogados Associados in São Paulo, Brazil, since 2004, with more than 40 years of experience working as a lawyer, both in-house and as a legal consultant. Author of several articles on Life Sciences Regulatory, Business Ethics, and Intellectual Property, published in different media with copies maintained at www.marcoslevy.blogspot.com.br Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs of MSD Brazil (Merck & Co, Inc.) from 1991 to 2002, Legal Directo...
Founding partner, Fernando Loeser is a tax specialist. He has a particular interest in litigation and acts on consultation matters. He covers the full spectrum of tax issues direct and indirect taxation and is frequently seen acting before the Superior Courts of Brazil. Fernando is well qualified to tackle complex litigation at judicial and administrative levels. He covers the full spectrum of tax issues, direct and indirect taxation and is frequently seen acting before the Superior Courts of...
Mariana Negri Logiodice holds a bachelor’s degree from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University and a graduate degree in Civil Procedural Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), with additional training in financial accounting from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). Mariana is an associate attorney at Wald, Antunes, Vita e Blattner Advogados with over 15 years of experience in restructuring, insolvency and civil litigation. She worked in several s...
PhD and Master Degree in Civil Law at Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Post-Graduate Course (Specialization) on Intellectual Property at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio (LL.B). Professor in Intellectual Property Law, Startup & Innovation and Digital Law at the Graduation at Faculdade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rio. Coordinator of the Extension Course in...
Clarissa Marcondes Macéa is a partner at Wald, Antunes, Vita e Blattner Advogados, holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of São Paulo (USP), a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Harvard University, and attended the École Nationale d’Administration – ENA (CISAP). She has worked as a Law Clerk at the Brazilian Supreme Court (2017-2020), was the Legal Head for the Assistance and Social Development Secretariat of the City of São Paulo (2015-2017), an...
Caroline Duarte Martins is a corporate partner at Leite, Tosto e Barros Advogados with 25 years of national and international experience in large corporations and medium-sized law firms, specializing in the Middle Market, the professional has honed expertise in corporate advisory, commercial law, civil litigation, regulatory compliance, and media and internet law. Key highlights of her professional trajectory includes: 1) Corporate Strategy: Demonstrates adeptness in providing strategic couns...
Specializing in Tax Litigation, Daniel has been handling judicial and administrative litigation in matters of federal, state and municipal taxes, including advising on cases before the Federal Supreme Court, presenting oral arguments before the Full Session of the Court, the Superior Court of Justice, and the 1st and 2nd panels of the Court. He also presents oral arguments before the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (CARF) and before panels of the High Court of Tax Appeals. Maya conducts...
Profile and Background: Renata is a lawyer that has been dealing with various matters related to Administrative Law, Infrastructure and Urban Regulations for more than 10 years. Education: Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Public Law from the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP) Master in Contract Law (LL.M.) from INSPER Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP)
Bruno Pina Metzner is a Brazilian qualified lawyer, specialized in Corporate Law, Contract Law, Litigation and Arbitration. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a postgraduate degree in contract law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) and is a Master of Law (LL.M) in Comparative and International Dispute Resolution from Queen Mary University of London. With 15 years of practice, Bruno has represented national a...